
Guided Nature Trips in the Pyrenees

Organising a Trip with Natural Pirineos

To reserve an Experience with us please call us on (0034) 616 452337. We always prefer to talk to you when you book so we can personalise the trip and fit it to your requirements. Our personal, friendly service means that your experience will be fun, informative and safe.

We enjoy and have plenty of experience working with: families with children, beginners, enthusiasts and experts.

We are guides with many years experience, passionate naturalists and we really enjoy working with people. We´ll see some wonderful things and discover some of nature´s secrets together.

Sometimes during an experience your guide might decide to adapt the day´s programme a little – either due to weather or other safety concerns or because they think there is an option which will suit you better. When possible they will discuss this with you first.

You´ll enjoy nature on every experience with us. However, there are times when the bird, flower or animal you want to see doesn´t appear or isn´t there. We have to be patient and accept that nature doesn´t always do exactly what we want it to! If we miss seeing something we are sure to see something else just as wonderful to make up for it.

On our trips we always try to keep our impact on the environment to a minimum. Going in small groups helps and we ask you to please not disturb the birds, plants and animals we see so they can continue living and breeding here year after year. Please go quietly and don´t try and get too close to birds and animals. Please don´t pick any flowers or leave any garbage.

How Long?
We find it´s best to let the day ´flow´ – enjoying the experiences without feeling the need to rush.
The excursions normally last a day – 9.00 to 17.00 for example.
We also do half day trips.
It´s sometimes worth starting early or finishing late so we can see certain species which are more visible in the early morning or in the evening.

We have an 8 seat minibus and we can pick you up at your accommodation and drop you off at the end of the day. We see plenty while driving and it´s best to travel together with your guide to share the experience. You´ll also be able to relax and really enjoy the day if you don´t have to drive.
This service is included in the price for local trips. For longer transfers we usually charge to cover costs.

What to bring?
Wear outdoor clothes and footwear for walking in varied terrain (we don´t usually do long or difficult walks). Please see our recommended WHAT TO BRING list.
We supply a spotting scope for animal and bird observation. We also have some pairs of good quality binoculars to lend you if you do not have your own.

Food: We offer a picnic made with local products and ingredients from our organic garden (in season). This costs 10€/person. If you prefer to bring your own sandwich and fruit that´s fine. In all cases please bring water and a few snacks.

Practice your Spanish!: If you would like to practice your Spanish or English your guide can speak both languages and is happy to talk in either language to help you practice.

Covid: Please see our COVID measures here COVID – link


Día completo (8h aprox.) Medio día (4/5 h aprox.)
2 people
75 €/person 55 €/person
Family – 2 adults, 2 children* 150€ 110€
3 o 4 people
50 €/person 30 €/person
5 o 6 people
40 €/person 25 €/person
7, 8 people
35 €/person 20 €/person


*up to 15 years old
The price includes: Nature guide, use of bird spotting telescope and binoculars, local transport in minibus.
We offer a good quality picnic made with ingredients from our organic garden and other locally sourced products. 10 €/person

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